Slowly but surely this site is coming together! The dream that is this business has long been a thought in my head. I became a registered dietitian in 2008 and I always knew I wanted to work for myself – it’s time!
I’ve been wanting to start this business for the longest time. Likely due to analysis paralysis, but I can confidently say “I’m in business!” This website will be the home to my new blog. And you’ll also find things like: events I’m participating in, products & brands that I love, and of course – me!
My passion for endurance events combined with my professional registered dietitian opinions will be here to guide you on your journey. I want to help you see that working out can be fun! And healthy eating doesn’t have to be just rabbit food.
That’s right, your fun loving registered dietitian will be here bringing you all of the fun and none of the worry. I cannot wait to share what I love with you! Let’s take you on a journey to being a healthier you! I want you to like you again. You can totally be successful with baby steps!
So let’s do this! But please excuse the constant changes in design and content as I get my feet wet in the website building world. But for now, just enjoy the nature 🙂
PS: If you would like to follow me in other places, check me out:
Facebook: MudRunnerChick
Instagram: Mudrunnerchick
PPS: Sharing is caring! If you know of someone who could benefit from the help of a registered dietitian (or a running coach) please share! I absolutely love helping! And if they’re a friend of yours, they’re sure to be great!